divendres, 18 de juny del 2010

dijous, 11 de març del 2010

Our Project and our Stay in Scotland

We did the Orator Project. We worked for three years on it. The 1st Eso worked on the places in Sant Llorenç and 2nd Eso worked on the sports. We worked on these two topics using many different activities such as web quest, crisscross puzzles, descriptions... We did a video with the photos and we recorded our voices. IES Francesc Ribalta did the project too. We won the project and we will go to Scotland together. Now we are preparing our stay there. We are very excited about it. On June 14th we did a bingo to obtain money and in summer we’re doing a “panera” with the same purpose. It was really great and it will be really great!!!!!!

In Scotland many things happened and I will tell you some:
When we took a coach to go somewhere, we always sang a lot of songs and we had a lot of fun.
In Raquel’s and Alba’s house, they put a “llonganissa” (sausage) in a microwave and it was very hard.
George was the best teacher in the Mackenzie School. He was very fun and very nice. His classes were funnier than others.
The Botanic Gardens were very big and there were a lot of beautiful squirrels.
In Edimburgh wer took a bus everyday to go to school and to go back home and a lot of people got lost!!
When we went to climb Arthur’s Seat, in the summit it was very windy and Jordi almost flew. Then, when we were going back to the Palace Cafe we ran and Dani felt and other people as well.
The people we met were great, fun and very nice people!!!!!