dijous, 24 de setembre del 2009

Climbing Arthur's Seat!!!!

Tuesday, 22nd September 2009. Today in the morning we went to school. We ate a sandwitch for lunch. Later we went to Edinburgh Volcano, called Arthur’s seat. It was very windy. It took a lot of time to get at the top. There were 40 minutes to arrive at the top. There were very beautiful views from the top. We saw a stadium, many houses, monuments and the see. We went down to Edinburgh in 20 minutes. We took the bus and we went shopping. We had a very good day!
Avui al mati hem anat a l’escola, hem dinat un entrepa. Despres hem anat al volca d’Edinburgh anomenat Arthur’s seat, on hi feia molt vent. Vam tardar 40 min a arribar a dalt. Hi havia una vista molt bonica. Des de dalt es veia un camp de futbol , moltes cases i monuments i fins i tot el mar. Vam baixar amb 20 min. Vam agafar el bus i vam anar de compres. Va ser un dia molt divertit.

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